Life coaching and mentoring
Do you sometimes feel that your life keeps going in the same direction or that you are going in circles?
That your work, company or business has been stagnating too long and you are looking for a new direction or new distinctive energy that will launch the next level of your career for you?
Are you facing an important change in life or do you want to progress forward to the next level of your life?
Are you uncertain about what exactly this change should be or how to conceive it? Do you need a big push in the right direction? Don’t worry, you are not alone. This is part of the normal cycle of life and business. It is a time when we either surrender or discover a new direction and quickly move on to the next phase. The coaching method is an excellent tool for exactly these types of changes, when we need someone who will help us discover the right direction, determine the required changes and keep us in the process we need in order to implement these changes into our everyday lives.
Most celebrities who are successful worldwide use coaching to enable their growth. Presidents, owners of companies and corporations, athletes, musicians and other important figures. And also people who want to get their personal lives into outstanding shape, as they say.
What you can expect from me:
My experience is international.
My absolutely greatest abilities in this area are:
I have extensive practical experience. My experience in coaching and working with people is international.
I have an enormous level of executive power – the ability to put things into practice. This is also very important in relation to my life and work with clients.
Ihave established several companies in various sectors and sold them to investors.
I own an educational company and I am the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of an investment company.
Thanks to my experience and my natural gift of being able to understand the people I work with, I have an extremely good and deep understanding of where people stagnate and where they can acquire enormous strength to progress.
I have practical knowledge and a positive relationship to money. This is why I lead my project and clients’projects towards a profitable arrangement and financial balance.
How did coaching affect me?
Coaching influenced my life very significantly.
My experience is international. I learn from the best and I teach with the best.
I am a member of the most prestigious international coaching school, Strategic Intervention Coaching by Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes.
I collaborate with them intensively and learn coaching methods from these people that focus on enormous progress and results.
I myself have coached individually or in the form of live performances for over 15 years.
I gained my first coaching experience when I studied for a year with Dr. Joe Vitale and his coaching team in the USA.
I also studied intensively with the excellent coach of the Results method and emotional intelligence method for several years.
I have also been a mentor and part of the international teaching team of Dr. Eric Pearl’s Reconnection for 8 years.
During this time I have used my abilities many times on an international level.
My most recent very intensive experience was withTony Robbins, who is probably the best coach on the planet at this time.
I attended Tony’s seminar in London and I am now in an intensive cooperation and study in his best educational programs and his Strategic Intervention Coaching school.
In 2019 I have started my own coaching school in Prague and we became one of the most popular coaching school in our country.
We provide with my team very high standard of teaching for our students.
We offer several coaching programs and business coaching programs.
I have learnt that investing into our education, particularly at a time when we are in recession and in a situation where our lives are not improving, is the best investment.
I myself have certainly invested over 100 000 EUR into my professional education, and I know that this investment has given me back the money and time I put into it many times over.
But I have chiefly gained the feeling that I have about my life now – and that is probably irreplaceable.
For me, learning is an unending and exciting process.
And this is what I offer for you.
The goals of our partnership – what can you expect?
Absolute clarification of the situation – discovery of new goals and new areas of growth
Determination of the required direction and a plan for making changes
The ability to generate the energy necessary for implementing changes
Determining specific and massive actions for putting new things into practice
Configuring a financial plan related to the changes
A guide through the entire process of change
and much more...
You will gain practical steps for configuring the new version of your reality and life.
Client Reference
Vladimír Ekart is an exceptional personality with extremely high energy.
His analytical skills are admirable and he always goes straight to the heart of the matter.
It gets under people's skin in an extremely fast way and shows them how to get rid of inertia.
It is a treasure trove of practical techniques and new innovative ideas.
PhDr. Ing. Eva Benesova, Principal Coaching, Marshall Goldsmith SCCoach
"WOW, what a rollercoaster ride these past 6 months have been.........
I have been looking for a coach for several years, but could not find anyone who could influence me immediately.
The time during the "pandemic" gave me enough time to step back and see what I was looking for. And one day it just happened.
I read an article in the magazine "Moje Psychologie '' and was immediately touched by a Czech actress' story, who was talking about transformation during the "pandemic" and her decision to become a coach.
So, I checked the website and decided to contact Vladimir. I filled in a form and within 40 minutes I got a call back from Zanzibar, where Vladimir and his family were spending the lockdown. During this call I knew that the way Vladimir was listening, asking questions and driving the conversation, fit what I was looking for.
We agreed on a 6 month coaching cooperation. It was an interesting, educational and self recognizing journey under Vladimir's wings. He was so easy and professional taking me through the tough phases. Every session brought me to the next level and moved me forward. The expected outcome? I know where I want to be in 2-5 years. The evolution journey was incredible and with the last session I was clear what I can change and where I want to be in private as well as in my professional life. And guess what? I have started to study at The Elite Coach School moderated by Vladimir and I trust I will become a professional coach in the near future. The new light at the end of the tunnel is making me happy and I am so motivated to make this happen. Finally."
Vera Petrtylova - Marketing Director
3-hour personal session: EUR 1,400
1 full day of coaching (8 hours): EUR 6,000
Package of 6 personal coaching sessions 90 minutes each: EUR 3,300
Package of 6 months online coaching sessions. 24 sessions, 30 minutes each: EUR 4,800 (Zoom, phone...)
Or email: or call +420 777 702 313